The Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team™ Assessments
30th Aug 2019
DiSC Value Profiles is proud to offer the most comprehensive team assessment currently available, the Five Behaviors Of A Cohesive Team™ Assessment. This tool is based on Patrick Lencioni’s bestseller, Five Dysfunctions of a Team™, and will strengthen established teams while utilizing the DiSC® or All-Types™ models. Let’s take a look at what it is, the five behaviors, and if it is a good fit for your organization
What is “The Five Behaviors Of A Cohesive Team™ Assessment”? : Explained
This assessment is used to build trust and accountability within existing teams and help limit destructive behaviors that can hurt team cohesion. This model utilizes the five behaviors discussed below to identify areas where existing teams can improve and boost performance.
The Five Behaviors Of A Cohesive Team Assessment™ can also be used to measure growth within a team. By taking the assessment more than once over a period of time, it is possible to compare where a team has improved or new areas that need to be addressed.
What are the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™?
The five behaviors discussed below build upon one another and therefore must be addressed collectively. By including either the DiSC® or the All-Types™ model within the assessment, each individual will also gain a better understanding of their personal strengths, weaknesses, and how to connect on a deeper level within their team.
1. Trust One Another
Being able to trust those within your team is key to success. However, the Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team™ Assessment models trust in a slightly different way by focusing on vulnerability. By expressing vulnerability, transparency is created amongst a team with each member knowing that the other members motives are in line with the objective.
2. Engage In Conflict Around Ideas
Great teams are able to engage in productive conflict without having members feel like they have been personally attacked. By first establishing trust, team members can openly debate ideas knowing that their team members will be focused on the goal of the discussion. With proper productive conflict, a team is able to reach a decision knowing that everyone has expressed their thoughts on a decision.
3. Commit To Decisions
Commitment in terms of a cohesive team means that a decision has been reached that everyone on the team agrees with, regardless of if they disagreed during the productive conflict stage. A team that can commit to a decision will save time, learn from mistakes, and remove any doubt among team members.
4. Hold One Another Accountable
With a team that has built trust, engages in productive conflict, and the ability to commit to decisions, holding one another accountable is the next step. This means calling out one another when team members are not doing their best work. With accountability comes better ideas, a better concept of each other’s roles, and a team comfortable knowing subpar work will not be tolerated.
5. Focus On Achieving Collective
The end goal of any team, and the Five Behaviors assessment, is to achieve desired results. Putting aside individualistic tendencies, a cohesive team utilizes the five behaviors in order to avoid distractions and accomplish goals.
Who uses Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Assessment?
This assessment can be used by any team or work group in need of cohesion and a better understanding of how to successfully reach goals. The Facilitation Kit should be used by the leader in order to guide the team through the results. Each member of the team will receive a 40 page report that includes a guide through either the DiSC® or All-Types ™ model and how to apply these principles towards becoming a cohesive team.
Does my organization need the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Assessment?
If you are part of a team, work group, or are leading a team, the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ assessment is a perfect tool for your organization.
Ready to order?
Click Here to purchase your Five Behaviors Of A Cohesive Team™ Assessment.As there are a few products associated, please feel free to contact us here at with any questions.