PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report

24th Jan 2020

Hiring managers across the world are often faced with a multitude of candidates for any given job. After phone screenings, it can still be tough to know who could be a great fit for the role and the company. PXT Select™ provides a solution for this dilemma by offering a comprehensive pre-screening tool to help hiring managers make more informed hiring decisions.

What is the PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report?

The PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report will measure potential job candidates based on three main areas:

  1. Thinking Style
  2. Behavioral Traits
  3. Interests

This specific report also offers job-specific questions that can be utilized and clarified if the candidate makes it to the interview stage. The results from the report will provide the hiring manager with an extra tool to decide if a candidate is a good fit.

What is the format of the PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report?

Hiring managers will be sent a twelve page report that will score the three areas mentioned above against a performance model as well as an overall fit for the given position. The performance model is used as a baseline for how well the candidate stacks up to high performers in this particular position.

Thinking Style Report

Scores will be broken down on a 1-10 point scale within this area illustrating how closely the candidate fits the performance model. The report offers explanations and suggestions on the candidates fit and provides feedback for the hiring manager to consider before and/or during an interview.

Behavioral Traits

The next section of the PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report offers insight into the candidates behavioral tendencies across the chosen performance model. These can include concepts such as assertiveness, conformity, decisiveness, and independence. The scale used contains two opposing traits to help determine the candidates fit.


The Interests section contains the candidates chosen interests ranked from highest to lowest. These are compared to the performance model’s top 3 interest and a fit is determined. Though this section only makes up 20% of the overall score, they can still offer valuable insight into a candidate's personality.

Interview Questions

The PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report provides interview questions for the hiring manager to consider asking for the chosen candidate. These are based off the data collected and include “Listen For” suggestions which the hiring manager can utilize to clarify areas that may not be a perfect fit.

The report finishes with questions regarding a candidate's strengths as well as challenge areas that can further determine a proper fit for the role.

Who Should Use The PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report?

Hiring managers everywhere that would like to add an extra level of depth to their interview selection process should utilize the PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report. Complete with comprehensive interview questions based off candidate results, this is a perfect tool to help reduce a candidate pool with a data-backed assessment.

Ready To Purchase The PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report?

At Respect Inc, we are proud to offer the PXT Select™ Comprehensive Selection Report to hiring managers everywhere. Simply contact us today to purchase your access code.

If you have questions or would like to discuss where PXT Select™ is right for your organization, simply call or click here to contact us today