Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® : What You Need To Know

9th Jul 2019

Backed by years of research and a combination of over 300 experts, the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Profile is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of your personal leadership style. Let’s take at look at what the assessment is, what it covers, and see if it is a good fit for you and your organization.

What is the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders®?

The Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® is a Wiley Authorized assessment which combines the powerful DiSC® style model with research backed leadership best practices. The report created from the assessment provides a clear and actionable report for the participant. Four years of additional research went into development of the Work of Leaders® including the work of 300 experts from 150 organizations to help create an easy to understand report towards effective leadership.

Who uses the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders®?

The Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Profile is commonly used by companies aiming to strengthen their management or by individuals looking to improve their leadership skills. The results can be used to help leaders of any group or organization gain a deeper understanding of their personal leadership style, strengths, and weaknesses.

How is the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Report structured?

The profile results will consist of a 23 page report which will explain:

  • Your DiSC® style and what it means
  • How you align with the Work Of Leaders® framework of Vision, Alignment, and Execution
  • Personal leadership strengths as defined by your DiSC® style and the framework
  • Leadership challenges and how to overcome them
  • Actionable steps to improve your leadership skillset

The Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Profile Report includes multiple graphs of where your leadership style lands on various data-based spectrums and actionable ways in which you can harness this information to improve your leadership.

The report also takes a one-to-many approach as opposed to the Everything DiSC Management® assessment, which uses a one-to-one approach. The one-to-many approach is used to help strengthen personal leadership of a group instead of one on one management.

What does the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® include and cover?

Your Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® report will start with an explanation of the DiSC® model and where you fall on the graph. The report will explain, based on your results, how your particular DiSC® style will be incorporated into leadership.

From there, the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® report will explain the three part framework of Vision, Alignment, and Execution.

Vision: An imagined future condition and how exploration drives vision.

Alignment: Ensuring your team is on the same page both in a literal and emotional sense

Execution: Turning the Vision into a reality

The report concludes with how you can adapt to best approach challenging situations and actionable items you can begin to integrate into your team.

Is the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® right for me?

If you are a leader of a team, or simply want to understand your personal leadership strengths, the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Profile is a great choice. Research backed and Wiley Authorized, this assessment is used by leaders around the world and will help you strengthen your skills as a leader and gain a better understanding of where you fall on the DiSC® scale.

Ready to order the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® assessment?

Here at DiscValueProfiles.com, we proudly offer both the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® and the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Facilitation Kit. If you have any questions about which DiSC® Profile is right for you, please call or email us through our contact page!

Click here to order the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® assessment.

Click here to order the Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Facillitation Kit