​News On The Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst

13th Oct 2020

The remote workforce continues to grow in 2020 and a whole new online platform, Catalyst, on which Everything DiSC Workplace® can be delivered in order to ease the transition and empower users of DiSC®, has been released.

With remote work continuing to be extended into 2021, new information surrounding the Everything DiSC Workplace® On Catalyst has just been announced:

Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst News Highlights:

  1. The Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst was initially to be completely free to people who have previously taken an English version of DiSC Classic 2.0 Online or English version of Everything DiSC Workplace assessments through December 31, 2020. This offer has now been extended through April 2021.
  2. The above Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst offer has additionally been expanded to anyone who has taken any English Everything DiSC® Assessment.
  3. This expanded offer includes the Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders as well as the all new Everything DiSC® Agile EQ.

What Exactly Is Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst?

 Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst

With many organizations transitioning to a fully remote workforce in 2020, the Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst offers an online interactive platform which helps guide both management and employees through their results .

Participants will first take a DiSC® assessment, and they can jump right in, using existing DiSC® assessment data. They will then be introduced to the Catalyst® Platform. This platform offers real-time views of participant DISC® results including where they fall on the DiSC® graph, learning styles, and how they can best interact with management and other employees.

There is also a Workplace® on Catalyst Facilitation component which enables participants to access virtual training videos, activities, and customizable exercises.

Click here to learn more about the Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst including an in-depth breakdown and whether your organization is ready to start utilizing this new platform.

How Do I Access The Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst?

The easiest way to get started is to contact us directly here at DiscValueProfiles.com. We offer a full range of DiSC products and will set you up with the Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst.

Now that the free upgrade program has been extended through April 2021 and includes anyone who has taken an English version of a DiSC Classic 2.0 Online or an English version of any Everything DiSC® assessment, we would be happy to help walk you through this new platform and answer any questions!

Please click here to contact us directly or call us directly at 610-368-8881.

Coming Soon: Everything DiSC® Agile EQ on Catalyst. Stay Tuned!